Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
Step 1: Register to Join BIG by selecting Register/Sign In. You may also complete your national renewal.
Step 2: Pay chapter dues below or request a automatic deduction of $5 per month by contacting the Treasurer.
Step 3: Forward your national membership confirmation and chapter dues receipt to
National Membership
Regular National Membership Fee $45.00 Annually
Associate Membership Fee $25.00 Annually
Associate Member Undergraduate Student $20.00 Annually
Life Membership $325.00 (one time payment)
Gold Plus Membership $250.00
Chapter Member/Affiliate (supports our scholarship program)
Chapter Member dues $60.00 annually
Chapter Member dues $5.00 per month
Per chapter bylaws: All Officers and Chairs must pay national membership and chapter dues. Regular Members must be current at both the national and chapter level in order to receive chapter benefits i.e receive hospitality, vote, run for office or represent the chapter in any position.
Note: To receive chapter benefits Lifetime Members are required to pay chapter dues either $60 annually or $5 a month. Lifetime Members who do not pay chapter dues are not eligible to vote, run for office or receive other chapter benefits.
Although Lifetime members no longer make payments to the national office, the chapter still needs your support, Chapter dues (paid separately) fund the chapters programs.
Thanks in advance for your continued support.
You may register and pay your national dues directly to the national office below.
($2.68 shipping)
Credit card fees applied at checkout may appear as tax or shipping on your receipt.